Break the Habit: Myofunctional Therapy for Mouth Breathing

January 10, 2025

The pandemic has brought about a host of new health concerns and issues. One of the less talked-about yet highly prevalent health issues which has captured many health professionals’ attention is mouth breathing.

In normal breathing, air enters the body through the nostrils. When the nasal passage is blocked, however, the body naturally switches to the mouth to breathe instead. This can stem from a variety of causes, including allergies, enlarged tonsils, or even just strenuous exercise. While it may seem like a harmless habit, mouth breathing can lead to a host of health problems, including chronic nasal congestion, higher rates of tooth decay, and even development problems in children.

Myofunctional therapy is an up-and-coming treatment that can help you overcome the habit of mouth breathing, and achieve a more efficient and healthier way of breathing.

What is Myofunctional Therapy?

Myofunctional therapy is a noninvasive treatment that works to retrain the muscles of the face, tongue, and jaw in order to improve their function. This therapy can help correct an array of oral health issues, including open mouth breathing, drooling, tongue thrusting, and other inefficient habits.

Myofunctional therapists are qualified healthcare professionals who are trained in these techniques. They work closely with their patients to find the cause of their presentation, design and implement a highly-personalized treatment plan, and monitor the effectiveness of ongoing treatment.

How Does Myofunctional Therapy Treat Mouth Breathing?

When we breathe through our mouth, we tend to overuse our chest muscles and underuse our diaphragm. This can often lead to over-breathing, a phenomenon in which we are more likely than not to breathe too fast and in an exaggerated manner. This should not be confused with hyperventilation, which is very fast and abnormal breathing.

During an appointment with a myofunctional therapist, the therapist will start by performing an in-depth physical assessment, including the measurement of lung volumes and testing muscle function. From there, the therapist and patient can work together to identify the triggers that may be causing the mouth breathing habit. These may include allergies, an overactive fight-or-flight response, or some form of muscle tension.

From there, the myofunctional therapist can establish an individualized treatment plan. This may include a variety of techniques aimed at improving the patient’s breathing patterns, such as exercises that target the muscles in the diaphragm and the upper respiratory system, as well as techniques that can help to relieve feelings of anxiety and tension.

Benefits of Myofunctional Therapy for Mouth Breathing

One of the many benefits of myofunctional therapy is that it is entirely noninvasive, meaning that it does not involve any surgical procedures or pharmaceutical interventions. This also means that there are much fewer side effects associated with myofunctional therapy than traditional treatments for the here-mentioned conditions.

Another benefit of myofunctional therapy is that it is suitable for patients of all ages, from infants to the very elderly. This makes it an attractive option for parents who are considering treatment for their child’s habit of mouth breathing.

Myofunctional therapy does not just treat the physical symptoms of mouth breathing, but also the underlying cause. This means that patients who follow through with their myofunctional therapy treatments may experience long-term improvements in their breathing, as well as other associated conditions.


Mouth breathing can be a harmful habit that can lead to an array of health issues. However, myofunctional therapy may offer a viable solution for breaking the habit of mouth breathing. This noninvasive treatment works to retrain the muscles of the face, tongue, and jaw in order to achieve a more efficient and healthier way of breathing. Myofunctional therapy is suitable for patients of all ages and can provide long-term relief of the symptoms of mouth breathing. If you or a loved one is struggling with the effects of mouth breathing, consider reaching out to a trained myofunctional therapist to learn more about this innovative treatment option.