Tongue Tie Treatment Process – Bullard, TX
Gain Freedom from Tongue Tie and Its Symptoms
Some individuals are under the impression that tongue-tie treatment is as simple as performing a frenectomy. However, because tongue tie hinders proper function of the mouth and tongue, addressing this condition becomes, not just a one-step treatment, but a multi-stage process wherein the tongue must be trained to work as it should. Let’s discuss how Dr. Morgan can guide you through the steps necessary to gain true freedom from tongue tie in Bullard.

Pre-Surgery Myofunctional Therapy
A frenectomy, a minimally invasive procedure that allows the tongue to regain its full range of movement, is a pivotal part of addressing tongue tie. However, many children and adults require myofunctional therapy before their frenectomy. During myofunctional therapy, our myofunctional therapy expert will guide you through a series of exercises. The goal of the exercises is to strengthen the tongue and prepare it to function at its best after you undergo a frenectomy.
Starting myofunctional therapy prior to the frenectomy will prevent you or your child from slipping back into the bad habits that the tongue tie caused. For example, it encourages nose breathing rather than mouth breathing. Hence, you may experience some relief from tongue tie symptoms even before your surgery.
Although we do have laser treatment, Dr. Morgan uses the scissors and sutures more often due to its effectiveness. With this treatment, Dr. Morgan can remove the vertical band of thin tissue that connects the tongue to the bottom of the mouth, allowing it to move freely. Once the tissue is removed, Dr. Morgan will suture the affected area to begin the healing process. This procedure can be performed in just 45 minutes with local anesthetic, making it incredibly easy to receive.
Post-Surgery Myofunctional Therapy
If you had a surgery on your knee or elbow, you would expect to undergo some physical therapy afterward, right? Think of a frenectomy in the same light; post-surgical myofunctional therapy is basically physical therapy for your mouth. The exercises you perform with our guidance will help you:
In addition to myofunctional therapy, you might benefit from other treatments. For example, if your tongue tie caused tongue thrust, and the tongue thrust led to orthodontic problems, you may need treatment to address those issues. You may also benefit from speech therapy.
Properly treating tongue tie is quite the journey for some individuals, but it is worth it! If you would like to learn how Dr. Morgan and his team can free you or your child from this condition, contact our practice today.