Tongue Tie - Bullard, TX
Learn the Facts About this Common Issue
Tongue tie is a common issue for children. It is what happens when the piece of skin connecting the tongue to the floor of the mouth is too restrictive, blocking its proper range of motion. Tongue tie can cause a host of issues, ranging from irritability to poor nutrition, delayed growth, and more. Fortunately, Dr. Tad Morgan can provide much-needed treatment for this common condition. Keep reading to learn how to recognize symptoms of tongue tie in Bullard and how Dr. Morgan can help!
Children's Tongue Tie Symptoms
Tongue tie in Bullard may not become apparent until your child becomes older. Watching out for the warning signs of tongue tie can help you identify the issue sooner rather than later.
Some of the common symptoms of tongue tie for children include:
- Slow weight gain
- Inability to extend the tongue beyond the lips or cannot move it side to side
- Gagging, choking, or vomiting in response to eating
- Food aversions (for example, an aversion to solid foods)
- Speech problems
- Mouth breathing
- Headaches or migraines
- Oral health problems, such as cavities or bad breath
- Sleep apnea and/or sinus problems
- Behavioral problems
- Poor self-esteem
- Difficulty maintaining proper posture
- Difficulty swallowing
- Food gets trapped in the palate or next to the gums
- A heart-shaped tongue
Symptoms of Tongue Tie in Adults
Sometimes, tongue tie in East Texas goes undetected and/or untreated until a person reaches adulthood. Signs and symptoms of tongue tie in adults include:

- Dental health problems, such as bad breath, cavities, and gum disease
- Choking on liquids
- Neck, back, and facial pain
- A heart-shaped tongue
- Pain or difficulty when kissing
- Speech problems when tired or after drinking a small amount of alcohol
- Everyday speech problems when talking quickly, loudly, or softly
- Pain or clicking in the jaw
- Restricted range of tongue movement
- Difficulty swallowing
- Food gets trapped in the palate or next to the gums
- Trouble eating certain textures
- Digestive problems
- Difficulty opening mouth wide
- Mouth breathing
Treatment for Tongue Tie
If you or your child experience any of the above symptoms of tongue tie, do not hesitate to get in touch with our office. Tongue tie division, or a frenectomy, is a procedure that loosens the restrictive tissue to allow for full range of motion. Using a soft tissue laser, Dr. Morgan can perform this procedure with maximum efficiency and minimal discomfort. Unlike traditional procedures that call for a scalpel and sutures, this method reduces bleeding and does not require stitches.
Adults who receive treatment for tongue tie will notice an improvement in their eating, breathing, and speaking. If you undergo a frenectomy, it may take a bit of time for you to learn how to use your unrestricted tongue in the best way. We can help you via myofunctional therapy.
Contact Us Today!
Are you and/or your child dealing with the painful and exhausting effects of tongue tie? Do not hesitate to contact Dr. Morgan to seek professional help. A frenectomy is a simple and painless procedure for — it allows for full range of motion for successful breastfeeding and an easier, healthier life. Go ahead and contact us to book an appointment with Dr. Morgan!